Christmas Tree Hunting


Since I was a kid, the search for the perfect Christmas tree was always my favorite part of Christmas. We would all bundle up, jump in the van and head to the closest Cut-Your-Own Christmas tree farm. Back before Global Warming (insert eye roll emoji), there was always snow on the ground and we would run around and play hide and seek for an hour then pick the closest tree before we froze to death.

I have always wanted to do this with my own kids, but every year, there was always something holding us back. Kids were too little, we waited too long. This year I was determined to make it happen. I found a nearby Christmas tree farm and made it an event in our shared Google Calendar. Now there were no excuses.

Let me tell you, this place did not disappoint. Wagon ride out to the field, cookies and hot chocolate, and Santa was even there.

We will definitely be going back. More photos to come when I finally download them to my desktop. For now, here are some iPhone shots.

family christmas tree farmIMG_4916


Ok – over a month later…. Those other photos I promised.




That was as close as I could get to a family photo. 4 out of 5 isn’t bad, right?