A Little about Little League

Let me preface this by saying we, Anthony and I, are not baseball people. Pretty much any other sport, yes, but never baseball. So we have avoided Little League like the plague. But when Jace found out that the school puts together a team every year and all his little buddies were playing, he begged us to let him join. I, of course, dragged my feet and he just continued to ask me every day if I had registered him yet. I did, eventually, reluctantly.

I had heard horror stories of long, boring games, and even worse – tournaments. So going into this, our very first season, I wasn’t thrilled. That is, until Monday night.

Monday night was Jace’s first baseball game. And IT. WAS. GREAT! Jace loved it so much! And, even Anthony and I loved it. Anthony was getting into it so much, one would have thought he was a coach from all the instruction he was giving out, and the fact that he was actually in the dugout. And I was mamarazzi-ing on the sideline, in between comforting Eli who had just bellyflopped off the bleachers, and trying to convince Ash that rocks aren’t really a great choice for a snack. But despite the previously mentioned horrifying events, it was the perfect evening, and such a great family event.

We love baseball now. I know not every experience will be like this one, but that’s ok. Jace has found something he truly enjoys and I’m excited to see where this takes him. I haven’t seen him have this much passion and excitement about something.

He loved every minute of his first game and still hasn’t stopped talking about it three days later, and that’s fine with me 🙂



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